Why am I writing this blog?? I don't know!!
I was angry with him... annoyed that he behaves in the way he does...
And as I thought things over... I realized something...
Now I m angry... not with him, but with myself...
We call each other friends yet I failed to understand him...
I know his priorities yet I expect him to go against them...
I have been the selfish one all the way...
So am I wrong about my friendship???
Do I have the right to call him a Friend???
Frankly, I m confused!!!
An Environmentalist works for the Nature
Military for the Nation
Socialist for the betterment of the Society
The UN for the International Relationships
What m I???
I am about to become an Engineer...
so... What is that I would be working for???
How is different from being a Politician???
Power??? And the means to get reach there???
We have the Feminists, where are the
Melinists???!!! Misogynist!!! No...
So many unanswered questions, for which i Seek answers too soon...
Again restless and selfish...
It all started off with trying to understand the mentality of others...
All with a simple question : "Why do people behave like that? What is going on in their mind?"
Now I m caught in the web woven by me.
Now it has become : "Why did 'I' did that? What is going on in this Mind?"
The day I understand MYSELF, able to remove this Iron curtain... well that would be an Achievement...
The Reason I wrote all this; different things in my MIND all in one go??? Again...
As a wise man would say... CONFUSION!!! (except there are "???" instead of "!!!")